CSGO: Patchnotizen vom heute erschienenen Patch

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CSGO: Patchnotizen vom heute erschienenen Patch

Heute gab es ein sehr kleines Update für CSGO. Im folgenden findet ihr die Original Patchnotizen!

Folgendes wurde geupadet:

  • MISC
  • Moved achievement icons to images on disk. The win panel now uses those images.
  • Fixed OSX audio options
  • Win/Lose round music cues now play music from the equipped music pack.
  • Fixed bug where many items would be rendered with incorrect lighting causing them to appear very dark or black.
  • SDK
  • demoinfogo
    • Fixed a bug with entity lookup from player userid that was causing incorrect position/facing/team info for players in game events
  • Rumor has it:
  • Okay I think it’s time we call it quits with the frowning, seriously now, even though I asked the admins about comment-based raffles not too long ago, they miiiiight get pissed off at a sea of frowns
  • Item schema update: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking/compare/eca14aba0e94…1833457e7860
    • Most of these changes you probably won’t notice

Dateigröße beträgt 15mb.


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